Mystery shop at Chesterfield Royal Hospital – January 2020 Update
This mystery shop was conducted following patient feedback about hospital appointment letters at Chesterfield Royal Hospital (CRH) NHS FT. The purpose was to gain insight into the patient experience of attending the hospital for an outpatient appointment.
In partnership with CRH, Healthwatch volunteers tested the journey a patient would follow when being invited to the hospital for an outpatient appointment. This involved presenting themselves as patients at various outpatients departments.
Volunteers then commented on their experiences from receiving the patient letter inviting them to the outpatient appointment at the hospital, to travelling to the hospital for that appointment and navigating the hospital site in order to find the correct department. They also commented on their experiences of the outpatient clinics.
In January 2020, we were able to meet with the hospital in order to discuss progress made towards implementing these recommendations. The below report highlights the progress regarding changes made to the recommendations.